Tuesday, November 18, 2008

walking with Jesus

too often we see the walk with Jesus like the poem footprints.

but is that how our life really feels most of the time?

many of us struggle and fall and get hurt and cry out and feel like walking with god is nothing like walking on a beach. more like climbing a mountain...in the rain...at night...with donkey kong throwing those barrels at us!

so, in the spirit of recognizing the walk for what it often feels like. please watch this video, sent by rose, and hopefully we can see that the walk can feel dangerous at times...but, when you follow god, you are always in the right hands!

walking with god through hell is better than walking alone in a meadow.

happy trails!

Friday, November 7, 2008

we are the beloved sons and daughters of God

it is important for our humanity to remember our part in divinity.

we must claim and live a life based on the knowledge that who we are is a result of by Whom we are loved.

we gathered on wed evening to sing, pray and realize that we are not what is in our wallets, we are not our cars, we are not our khakis....

we are not who people say we are..whether good or bad. we are who god says we are...and god says we are beloved.

that is how we are to live when they look at us and cry 'hosanna'

that is how we are to live when they look at us and cry 'crucify'

for that is how the One lived while he walked the dust of this world.

one of our family members sent this clip. we watched it and were deeply blessed by it. thank you dan. here is the clip for the rest to enjoy...take 17 mins out of your day and watch this. if you do not have time right now then skip the video but do yourself a solid and come back to it:

last night was another in our series 'false idol: a look at the 7 deadly sins for the 21st century' and last night's does not have a catchy title like the others.

last night we talked about the drive within each of us to answer 'who am i?' with stuff, accomplishments, reputation..etc.

we needed to be reminded that the only thing that truly defines us is 'beloved'

we are beloved of god...that is who we are. now we must live as such.

we will pause in our series on the 12th to honour those who have fallen in, what i think is the ultimate evidence of the fallen nature of humanity: war. that is worth breaking up a series.

when we return we will look at failure. we will celebrate failure. we will embrace all that we do wrong. for in that we are given the chance to see that we are beloved.

when we are weak...then we are strong.

when we fail...then we can succeed.

when we see that we are beloved...then we see ourselves.


(now go back and watch the clip!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

remember, remember the 5th of november...

what a day to be interested in politics.

regardless of who you wanted to see win the popular vote is that yesterday was a victory for all americans and the world.

in italy (i think) they printed a picture of obama with the caption 'the world has a new emperor'

powerful stuff

let us pray for this man, his safety and the safety of his family as he prepares to undertake a monumental task come january 09.

god bless the united states.