we gathered
dave led
we wrote
GOD moved.
last wednesday night we gathered together as dave fath (dave@immersn.com) led us on a psiritual journey. we watched a video that talked about the labels that we give to ourselves and how those labels are not always flattering.
but this was more than a self-help night. it was a self-realization night.
dave had us take time and write stuff about ourselves on cardboard. below is a clip from a church that did something similar. however, ours differed in that we also took time with each other to speak about our dissapointments and pain and the growing sense that we are bigger than we give ourselves permission to be.
we are growing to understand that often (not always but often) our idea of GOD as pushing us 'out of our comfort zones' is less GOD pushing us forward and more of GOD stopping us from shrinking back. the 'push' we feel is the divine hand encouraging us and preventing us from falling away from not just from GOD, but from GOD's picture of us...that picture is so much more grand than anything we ever thought we could be so it looks alien to us...and so we shrink from it, we shrink from ourselves. but GOD keeps showing us the image of us, not the image from a mirror, but an image from HIS imagination.
forgive us, LORD, for thinking so little of ourselves
forgive us, LORD, for thinking so little of YOUR creation.
enjoy the clip...some of it is meh, some of it is brilliant, some of it will break your heart.
peace. you are loved