Monday, November 9, 2009

remember AND realize

sometimes we think that all the fighting we are called to remember on nov. 11th took place in the past.

that is not the case. we have sons and daughters fighting for lofty goals all over the globe right now.

there are the sons and daughters of other mothers and fathers being stolen from their families to be used in not-so-lofty wars right now.

please, please, please join us wednesday night, nov 11 at 7pm as we remember and realize the horror that is war. kids are still fighting. each generation seems doomed to learn these lessons over again.

invisible children will be hosting an evening with us as they screen their new film: together we are free

the screening will be free, the music will be reflective, the merchandise will advertise this cause and give money to people who really need it. come and partake

remember those who have given so much
realize that there are those who are still being forced to give.
let us remember the hope that comes to us from ancient days:

He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
~Isaiah 2:4~


this is just one video among many on youtube...we hope you can spend some time and watch a bunch. we hope you can join us wednesday and watch one more. think of the beauty as thousands of american teens volunteered to sleep in parks out of love to show solidarity to the african children that are forced to do the same out of fear.

Monday, November 2, 2009

dead sea scrolls lecture...words that changed the world

Dr. Stan Porter will be leading immersn this week and you do NOT want to miss this.

the ancient words present in the dead sea scrolls (on display at the ROM) helped form the world in which we live. however, our distance from the world in which they were written sometimes constricts our ability to understand these words and discern their impact.

therefore, we have invited world-renowned linguist Dr. Porter to come in and explore and explain these documents in a way that most people will never get to see. this will be a powerful night with information that only a small fraction of a percent of the world's population will ever have access to and we think that is pretty awesome.

it is a FREE evening so come on out and join us as we seek to better understand these words that changed the world.

eJesus, iJesus, and worship

can Jesus be pixelated?
how should the church use the technology of computers, sound and video to further the kingdom of GOD?
this week several of us from the immersn community gathered in mississauga for a conference called: the intersection of worship and technology
it was filled with people who worship GOD with the tools of our day...but the point that united all the presentations was this: GOD is bigger than technology and all these programs, mics, videos, music, computers etc. are nothing without the deeper message.
THAT inspired us as we, the immersn-ites, led worship at the beginning and end of the day.
if GOD is bigger than technology how do we use our tech effectively?
we were warned several times that what we can do with technology can overpower what we should do with it. in other words, we get so caught up in showing off all the bells and whistles that we forget to include GOD in our services.
we have found that while immersn has always been tech-ish...some of our most profound services have been our 'lo-tech' nights.
in fact, the wednesday before the conference we gathered around a candle in the bronte cemetery and read from a service that dates back to the first century (from the didache) and then we talked while the candle flickered and the waves crashed against the shore behind us.
in that moment no computers were needed (nor were they wanted) because we had what was most important: GOD and community.
let us never forget that these advancements are nothing more than tools to help us worship GOD and understand ourselves and our faith better. as soon as they stop being able to do that they move from worshipful to anti-worship and should-must- be cast aside.
with that in mind, let us continue to find videos, songs, images...etc. that help us best communicate the gospel to a world that desperately needs the message of faith.
we are thankful to have been part of an important moment in the church's history as people gathered together to see how this church can impact the culture in ways that matter both to the people in our pews and the ones beyond.
amen...or should that be e-men?