seriously, if you ever attend a church service or mass do you ever look around and wonder if this is at all what god had in mind?
we watched a short film from the nooma series last night titled: sunday. [you can check out a preview by going to the 'videos' section of this page]
in the film rob bell sits in a restaurant [presumably after church on any given sunday] as christians, fresh from church, come in and sit down for a post-worship meal.
he asks questions and challenges the religious structures of the day. he quotes the prophet isaiah and he quotes jesus to back up critiques of the 'going through the motions' kind of church experience. he compares an unhappy church-goer to a husband bringing home flowers for his wife because 'it is my duty' or 'because there was a sale and they were cheap' he comments that no wife would want flowers out of duty; she would rather receive them as an expression of love. god is the same: he does not want worship from people trying to assuage guilt or doing it just because that is what we are supposed to do. god wants people's hearts...nothing less, nothing more.
so, after the film we discussed.
many in our community are frustrated with the state of the church today. there is little room for spiritual creativity, and some even feel that the church gets in the way of those who are genuinely seeking after god. imagine that: the church as a hindrance, not a help, to the spritually hungry! can you think of anything that would anger god more?
many people argued that the reason why they continue to come to immersion week after week is that they enjoy the community and the ability to dialogue with other people about matters of the faith. they think it is important to learn what other people think and feel. they want to be challenged and not be spectators to their own faith journey being told what to think by 'experts.'
church is such a strange thing. we gather together to learn about a jewish peasant who lived 2000 years ago and how he died and came back to life and we think he is god. that is weird.
truly weird.
but if it is true then shouldn't a church that holds to the teachings as radical as turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, forgive others, plead for the widow, defend the cause of the orphan, love the marginalized and forgotten members of society as if they were god in the flesh, treat each other with love, be so consumed by love that it becomes the defining trait of your community attract some attention?
should the church of jesus be in decline? i mean, look at the message that we have been given! it is like nothing else...it is otherworldly.
maybe that is the problem. maybe church has taken this message and made it suitable for mass consumption and maybe, just maybe, the church is now teaching the wrong thing. maybe, just maybe, we have become the religious leaders that jesus found so infuriating in his day.
maybe, just maybe, church needs to be re-tooled a bit. otherwise, if we are not preaching the gospel then why should anyone care about sunday morning, wednesday night, bible study or anything else to do with the faith?
can we get rid of christianity and just concentrate on being christian?
1 comment:
This is so not a new topic for me. I've visited a lot of forums in an attempt to get a non-Christian feel as to why Christians have a bad rep. It's usually one of three things - evangelism, hypocrisy and judgement.
The way I see it is that people come to Church every Sunday for selfish reasons. Don't freak out - selfishness isn't always a bad thing. People come to give up their stresses to God, so they themselves feel better, feel supported. Happier people try to make other people happy - so I see this as good selfish.
But there are also those who come to hear what they wish to hear; to let someone do the thinking for them. They agree with what's being said, but aside from offering they contribute nothing to it.
Perhaps Immersion affects people because it is a conscious effort to contribute something more than skills and money. It is a chance to be selfish and explore one's faith... but it's also a chance to explore someone else's faith. That doesn't usually happen on Sunday.
That said, I think both services are important to nurturing faith. What Sunday gives us is a physical reminder of our community of faith. It assures us that we all want to believe in the same thing. Wednesday lets us refresh our doubts and think in a new way. Sundays are enriched by Wednesdays. Wednesdays are strengthened by Sundays.
I'm rambling. Hope that made sense!
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