our very own jera (beloved by all) has been snapping pics and will be sharing with us tomorrow night about where he sees god in everyday life.
this is such a valuable chance for our community to be blessed by the spiritual journey of another.
it is also a chance for each one of us to find a voice and a way to communicate the way we talk to & see god in order to bless others
we are called to follow god and part of that journey means revealing what we are seeing to others...kind of like a tour-guide for the divine.
if there are others in our community who want the chance to use their gifts/passions to communicate god and bring praise to the One from whom we receive those gifts and comfort to our fellow-journeyers please start brainstorming and immersion would love to facilitate such an experience.
looking forward to seeing part of jera's journey....looking forward to seeing how it impacts the journeys of others as well.
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