one of the most profound sections in scripture is the book of psalms.
within the 150 poems the human experience is poured out and laid bare before god and other humans.
triumph, betrayal, rage, sorrow, joy, despair, hope, anguish, and other emotions and situations are presented for all to see, judge, relate to and admonish.
at immersn
we believe we follow a GOD who hears our pain,
we believe we follow a GOD who laughs with us,
we believe we follow a GOD who dances alongside us
we believe we follow a GOD who cries within us
we believe we follow a GOD who honours our life.
with that in mind we will gather, as a community, and create, as a community, poems to the LORD.
poems of celebration, poems of anger, poems of frustration, poems of joy.
whatever the poems will look like we will only allow three restrictions:
they must be honest
they must be to GOD
they must be created by each of us together
we will pray, listen to music, look at some images for inspiration.
then we will create together as children of the CREATOR.
let us mark each others' souls with words from our hearts.
psalms and souls: an evening of community poetry.
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