for those of you who don't know immersn has its own movie house.
well, technically we don't have it as much as one of our members runs a theater and we like to go there and watch movies...a lot!
so, that member (his name is jason) sent this video clip which will most likely make its immersn debut at the very first service this year (sept 16) because it ties in beautifully with our opening series 'who are you?' which asks the question and then seeks to answer it by showing us that who we are is directly dependent on who GOD thinks we are...we just tend to forget that.
so, many thanks to jason for this amazing clip and jason's theater (check it out here) for all the amazing indie films and films with a conscience that they choose to show (sometimes to their own financial detriment) you are both super-cool!
anyhoo, here is the immersn e-debut of 'white man' by the michael gungor band
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