well, i must confess that i am impressed. through the rain and cold our community of park-cleaners was MUCH larger than i expected. i honestly thought that maybe 3 or 4 people would come and hang out but i was quite surprised when 16 other people joined melissa and i to clean up donovan bailey park last night.
the night was great...and wet...and cold and then there was the whole "dead frog" incident (some of our group toiled over whether or not to throw out the body of someone's deceased pet frog found in the field or if we should give the poor thing a proper burial....then we turned it over and noticed that this creature was apparently made in china...so i guess that settles it, god is chinese! we threw it out after that). we filled 3 bags with garbage-which was good because that park is actually quiet clean-and spent about an hour doing so.
at the end we took some time to reflect on the fact that environmental issues, when viewed with the idea that god has given this planet to us as a gift, are really spiritual issues.
teija shared with us that she is joining david suzuki's plan to help households to become more environmentally friendly and we look forward to getting more information about that.
afterwards we chatted for a while at tim hortons and then ended the night.
on the car ride home i commented to melissa how much better last night went than i expected and i must share with the whole community that i really think god is taking care, and honouring, this little experiment. we are seeing new faces joining us each week and the discussions are good, the music has been amazing and the spirit is rich and full. truly we have been blessed and i look forward to next week's talk about conversion and whether or not christians are the only people to get into heaven. should be interesting. check out the videos for a cool short film about creation and we'll chat again soon.
ps: oh yeah, and we even had our first "immersion north" team that were out last night cleaning in northern ontario as their way to stay connected with the group even though they were far away...very cool.
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