there is little to report about last night because the images stand for themselves.
i am kicking myself that we didn't have a camera there to capture the service because there were a lot of powerful things that happened last night.
we stationed various tables around walt's house with words like 'lust' 'rage' 'indulgence' 'waste' 'pride' and 'gossip' and people were invited to read over our definitions and then look at the art or display pieces present at each station. if something resonated with them they were invited to pick up a stone and carry it with them.
at the end of the stations (there were 13 total) people returned to the main room and we all sat in a half circle and talked. then we played the song fix you by coldplay and people reflected on what the stones symbolized. during the song, as people felt led, we placed the stones at the foot of a cross we had placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by candlelight.
the theology is simple: when we honestly journey with god we begin to become aware of the things in us that are not holy, that can be downright destructive and evil. we become aware of our deplorable condition.
and if the faith ended there it would be a terrible thing. but the point of the journey was one of self-awareness as we all had to pick up stones and admit that we were the bearers of these 'weights of transgression'
but the journey was not about self-awareness or shame. the journey was about the cross. the journey was about taking that step of self-awareness and seeing that, even though we may think we are doing okay, we are in desperate need of salvation.
last night's service was about an image. and the image was the weights that we carried (both literally and metaphorically) being laid down at the foot of the cross.
we entered into that service light...we became aware of our own heaviness...then we were invited to lay down those burdens at the foot of One who loves us so much that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes will not perish but have everlasting life.
salvation begins with awareness of sin but, thank god, it ends with that sin losing all power over us.
next week we wrap up our discussion on conversion...join us.
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