lent is upon us...
you can tell because tim horton's has its roll up the rim to win on again
[they always have these contests around lent in order to balance out their books based on all the money they lose because people give up junk in lent...who says the church doesn't impact culture?!]
traditionally the christian church signals the beginning of the season of repentance by placing ashes on our foreheads to symbolize our regret over sin.
tonight we will worship together in a taize service which will include music, reflection, prayer, art, imagery & times of contemplation.
it is a powerful way for the community to come together and express corporate regret over our trespasses and to stand with each other...all of us dirtied by the ash...none of us without a mark...all dependent on grace.
look to the foreheads of your brothers and sisters & see the love of God.
we are forgiven
thanks be to God.
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