we are children of another world.
we are in this world but not of this world.
there are children of darkness.
there are children of light.
celestial beings...and evil creatures of malice.
in north america ideas like these seem like fantasy & myth (or the fodder for teen vampire books)
however, one of the truths of the christian faith is that we are indeed engaged in a spiritual conflict with cosmic importance. the bible is full of supernatural encounters..even before the time of jesus.
what are we, 2000 years later, to make of this?
thus begins our newest series: angels & demons...a look at the supernatural.
this wednesday, march 4th we will begin by talking about lucifer. who is he? where did he come from? what do we think about him?
join us...no doubt an interesting & fascinating evening of discussion is in store.
7pm....in the hall.
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