we spent the past evening deep in the study of the word: word.
through monastic music we explored several bible passages. we watched bono sing and speak about the mission of jesus and the year of jubilee (see vids section).
we wrote down words that came to mind when the word "god" was said
we watched scripture verses appear on the screen and we wrote down key phrases that stuck out for us.
we closed our eyes, listened to the story of jesus healing the widow of nain's son three times and pictured ourselves in the story to see what we could learn and where the story moved us.
we discussed all these aspects and just took an hour to calm our hectic lives down.
so many woderful things happened and there were so many new people and there are just too many things to write so we will simply record that the chance to stop and meditate on the word of god in so many ways was incredibly popular. so popular, in fact, that we are going to repeat the process all over again in a couple of weeks with different passages and ideas.
this wednesday we are going to spend the time reflecting musically through our version of a taize service. we hope that you can join us as we explore the role of jesus in our lives through song and imagery and silence.
should be another memorable night.
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