speechless. that is one way to describe the power of last night's service.
gathered together, lit only by candles and only the sound of one piano and our voices the community brought praises to the throne room of god.
we sang, we sat in silence, we watched candlelight, we brought our struggles to the foot of the cross, we lit candles, we heard scripture, we explored who this person jesus was but more importantly, throught the silence and the music and the symbols we invited the risen jesus to touch us in our hearts.
those who spoke about it spoke of a feeling of peace, a feeling of happiness, a feeling of refreshment.
through songs that repeated phrases over and over again like:
"jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
"look to god, do not be afraid, lift up your voice"
we attempted to make these words take on a new meaning in our lives. the tunes were simple and the songs repetitive but they foreced us to look at these phrases and make them our own, personal prayers.
crying out to jesus to "hear us when we pray" as we lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and watching videos that taught us that worship is not about a dress code but about a relationship with the creator of the universe [see top video in video bar] and that god not only loves us but likes us too [a powerful distinction] were designed to touch our spirits and immerse them in the love and peace of god.
immersion has built a reputation for being a forum of discussion and dialogue about the faith as well as a creative place for art and music to be used to explore the character of god and what that means to us in daily life. however, this 3-part series re-discovering some ancient worship traditions has been rewarding as we gave over our own agendas and surrendered to the movement of the spirit of god. it felt good to just let go and seek the presence of the Divine.
next week we'll complete the series with an evening dedicated to the spiritual journey of the soul...it is called 'walking' and promises to be a powerful conclusion.
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