there is a video of the last immersion which will be posted soon so stay tuned.
in essence the video will show a large group of people walking, talking and doing an assortment of different things like drawing, dropping walks into water, praying, lighting candles, looking at themselves in the mirror and even playing with a compass and magnets.
our first labyrinth service was designed to shine a light on the idea of walking with god. we talk about it but what does it mean? in the greek mindset [which we largely inherited] the soul and the body are separate entities. thus we believe that the body dies but the soul lives on. but jesus never said that, he talked about the resurrection of the body. interesting.
we approached this event with an understanding [hopefully] that what happens in the body also happens in the soul. thus, as we walked physically around the labyrinth, or to each station, or to get coffee, we held to the idea that the soul was doing likewise. in the physical realm immersion simply looked like a group of people wandering about and talking quietly to each other. in the spiritual realm there were numerous souls taking time to walk to god. powerful, simple, profound.
thus, we [hopefully] discovered that any action we take at any time can be used as worship. as we walk to class, work, the store, to get the remote, whatever can be an act of worship. what would our day look like if we sporadically offered the next ten steps to god? what if we said:
'lord, until i reach that room i am going to take every step as if i were literally walking to You.'
how would our days change? what would we see/feel/think/notice?
that is the power of the journey, that is the call of the pilgrimage. we do not have to go to jerusalem or to the local church [although both are a good idea] we simply have to get up, look to god, and take a step.
and before we know it we're walking.
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