sometimes we think that all the fighting we are called to remember on nov. 11th took place in the past.
that is not the case. we have sons and daughters fighting for lofty goals all over the globe right now.
there are the sons and daughters of other mothers and fathers being stolen from their families to be used in not-so-lofty wars right now.
please, please, please join us wednesday night, nov 11 at 7pm as we remember and realize the horror that is war. kids are still fighting. each generation seems doomed to learn these lessons over again.
invisible children will be hosting an evening with us as they screen their new film: together we are free
the screening will be free, the music will be reflective, the merchandise will advertise this cause and give money to people who really need it. come and partake
remember those who have given so much
realize that there are those who are still being forced to give.
let us remember the hope that comes to us from ancient days:
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
~Isaiah 2:4~
this is just one video among many on youtube...we hope you can spend some time and watch a bunch. we hope you can join us wednesday and watch one more. think of the beauty as thousands of american teens volunteered to sleep in parks out of love to show solidarity to the african children that are forced to do the same out of fear.